National Headquarters
Official Website

Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS)
Become an AMVETS Volunteer
Founded in 1946 to provide for veterans in VA healthcare facilities, the Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) is the largest volunteer program in the Federal government, with more than 350 national and community organizations involved in support of their mission.
Many generations of AMVETS Family members have and continued to volunteer through VAVS to assist hospitalized veterans in hospital wards, nursing homes, end-of-life care programs, foster care, community-based volunteer programs, and veteran outreach centers. AMVETS has long been a proud member of the VAVS National Advisory Committee.
In 2023, AMVETS Family members provided more than 32,000 hours volunteering in the VAVS program, directly serving veterans in real need.​ Do you have a few hours each month to spare? Sign up today to find what is needed now in your area.
If you are already in the VAVS program, check this page for available volunteering Volunteering Opportunities nearest you.
VAVS Department Representatives and Deputies
​​Each Department Commander is required to appoint a VAVS Representative and Deputy no later than July 31 of each year. The Department is required to notify National Programs Department annually of the name, email address, and phone number of both the Department VAVS Rep and Deputy Rep. Please email that information to by July 31 even if the information remains the same from the year prior.
AMVETS Because We Care Day – Annually, the first Wednesday of April the AMVETS National Service Foundation provides personal care kits, that are distributed to our veterans by our VAVS volunteers at all of the VA Medical Centers that have certified AMVETS Representatives.
​AMVETS National VAVS Leadership Awards – Help AMVETS say thank you in a big way by encouraging the VAVS Chiefs at your local VA Medical Centers to use the applications they receive from the National Programs Department to recommend an AMVET, a Ladies Auxiliary, and/or a Sons of AMVETS volunteer for this award. The nominations must be received no later than May 31 each year. These prestigious awards are presented during the National Convention as part of the Commander’s & President’s Banquet.
VAVS National Advisory Committee Volunteer of the Year Award – This award is given annually by the NAC during their annual meeting. It is to recognize extraordinary service to our nation’s veterans. Posts or Departments may submit the name of an outstanding AMVETS VAVS volunteer for consideration. The award is not restricted to Reps and Deputies; any active VAVS volunteer may be considered. Submit to National Programs Department no later than February 15 each year.