National Headquarters
Official Website

Ceremonial Rifle Program
The Ceremonial Rifle Program affords posts and departments an opportunity to add dignity and class to their honor guard details at events such as funerals or parades. Under Army regulations, the secretary of the army may conditionally loan not more than 15 excess M1 Garand rifles to an eligible organization. A formal written request, signed by the Post Commander, must be submitted to the National Programs Department which-after validating good standing – will forward it to the U.S. Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM) in Warren, Michigan. TACOM will accept no requests without written approval of AMVETS National Headquarters.
Forms may be requested from the National Programs Department and downloaded.
The Process
Complete all forms and write a letter, addressed to TACOM, requesting a specific number of rifles. (from one to fifteen) The letter must be signed by the Post Commander or Adjutant. Include this letter, along with all of the forms and mail to the AMVETS National Programs Department. Your package will be reviewed and the letter validating your post will be added and then the completed packet will be mailed to TACOM. If everything is in order it will still take on average, four to six months. All Organizations outside of AMVETS must contact TACOM directly. (see TACOM's contact information below)
The forms you need are:
Additional Resources
U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM)
ATTN: Army Donations Program, MS 419D
6501 East 11 Mile Road
Detroit Arsenal, MI 48397-5000
Telephone: (586) 282-9861
Donations team email
POC for requesting Ammo – Dawn Folland
Toll Free Phone: 877-233-2515
Note: Slings are not provided through the Donations Program Group. The slings are available through commercial sources. One source you may consider (providing this link does not represent endorsement of any products or services contained therein):
Fulton Armory –