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79th National Convention

Each year, AMVETS members convene to elect and appoint officers at the national, district, department, and post levels. Every August, representatives from these levels attend the AMVETS National Convention, where they make crucial decisions on issues impacting veterans and the organization.

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Convention 2025

The AMVETS Family will celebrate its 80th anniversary this year at the Sheraton Four Seasons in Greensboro, North Carolina,
August 20-23.

Hotel reservations and a general agenda now available below.

Thursday, August 21, 2025

Joint Opening Ceremony

2 PM - The entire AMVETS Family comes together for a special session to kickoff the 79th National Convention.

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Greensboro Sheraton Four Seasons

Reserve Your Hotel Room














0830 - National Service Foundation

1000 - AMVETS National Charities

1100 - National Finance Committee

1300 - First-Timers Orientation 

TBA  - National Committee meetings - full schedule TBA in April

0830 - AMVETS National Executive Committee
1400 - Joint Opening Ceremony - Keynote TBA in April

1530 - Joint Memorial Service
TBA  - National training sessions - full schedule TBA in April
TBA  - National Committee meetings - full schedule TBA in April


0900 - First Business Session - Membership/Programs Awards + Resolutions & CBL Amendments + Convention Sites Selection
1100 - Federal Legislative Townhall

1300 - Second Business Session - 1st nominations for national offices

1400 - National Districts Meetings

1900 - Commanders & Presidents Banquet (ticketed event)

0900 - Third Business Session - National elections begin at 1000

1230 - Post-Convention NEC Meeting

1400 - Joint National Officers Installation Ceremony

1500 - Post-Convention National Service Foundation Meeting
1530 - National Commander Hospitality Suite


Silver Helmet

The Silver Helmet Awards is held annually during our National Convention, recognizing excellence and outstanding accomplishment in the fields of Americanism, defense, rehabilitation, congressional and civil service. The 2025 ceremony will take place during the Friday night banquet at the National Convention.

AMVETS National Commanders & Presidents Banquet 2025

Future Conventions

​80th National Convention

August 18-2, 2026

Rosen Centre

Orlando, Florida 


81st National Convention

August 10-14, 2027

Nugget Casino Resort

Sparks, Nevada

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