National Headquarters
Official Website

For information on submissions outside of the window allotted for applications, please contact your local post: FIND A POST HERE
ROTC is now recognized as a primary source for recruiting the nation’s military officers. AMVETS ROTC and JROTC medals and certificates—authorized by Army and Air Force regulations—can be ordered from the National Quartermaster. Although no such regulation exists for Navy or Marine Corps ROTC units, they can still participate. The award, consisting of medal pendant and ribbon bar, is presented annually to the outstanding cadet at each participating ROTC and JROTC unit.
Outstanding Senior Cadet. The professor of military science selects the cadet and submits his/her name directly to the department concerned or to the National Programs Department. If the school sends the name directly to National, it will be forwarded to the department for presentation. National handles only those requested from non-department schools.
Outstanding Junior Cadet. The senior instructor at the high school makes the selection, with processing being the same as for the Senior Cadet awards.
The criteria is set by AFROTC Instructions 36-2020. AMVETS ROTC Medal is detailed in section 4.20. Please refer to the document referenced for full information; however, the essential points are:
4.20.1. Purpose. The award recognizes one cadet at each detachment at the end of their first year in the AFROTC program. (“First year” is not restricted to AS 100 cadets.)
4.20.2. Eligibility. Each cadet must: demonstrate a positive attitude toward the Air Force and AFROTC, demonstrate a neat personal appearance (uniform wear, posture and grooming), demonstrate outstanding personal attributes (initiative, dependability, judgment and self-confidence), demonstrate officer potential (responsibility, adaptability, high personal standards), have attained a grade of “A” in AFROTC during the most recent grading period, and be in good academic standing in all university course work.
Medal & Certificate Request
If you are an instructor and would like an AMVETS J/ROTC Medal and Certificate for a deserving Cadet, please email; the following information :
Name of Requester
Email Address
Phone Number
Cadet Name (one senior cadet and one junior cadet per school)
School's Full Address
- Date of Ceremony
Please Note: All of the information requested must be included in your email to receive your certificate.
**Certificates will be processed on the 1st and the 15th of every month from January 1st through May 1st. Please allow 10 to 14 business days. For more information OR questions, please email;